Power Yoga

New exercises in Fitlife for women and men of all ages. Exercise for fitness, strength and energy.

Power joga Power joga Power joga Power joga

Power Yoga is exercise derived from traditional yoga, unlike which is much safer. Power Yoga is a healthy exercise for people who want to feel and look good. Not only it has a positive effect on body shaping and fat burning, but also eliminates back pain and crises, positive effect on internal organs and improves circulation. Exercise Power Yoga supports good posture and helps to maintain or regain the flexibility of the spine and joints. This is a great way to relax and regeneration.

Required reservation via the internet.

Power Yoga 60 minutes 1 entry
Cash payment 5 €
10-points Fitlife Club Card 1 point (4 €)
Individual class of Power Yoga: 60 minutes, 1-2 persons, price 20 €.
Orders by calling +421 911 556 187.

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27.11.2024 | Pridané hodiny Spinningu - Pondelok 18:00 a Streda 17:00

27.11.2024 | Oxygenoterapia - dýchanie 95% kyslíka. Volajte 0911 556 187.

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Reservations: Jungle Gym XT
and Power Yoga.

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